A network for new and aspiring library professionals

NLPN x SLA Europe: A write up by Megan Price

Megan Price volunteered to summarise our most recent event NLPN x SLA Europe. The presentation slides from the day are available via the hyperlinked titles. To catch up on the tweets that were posted throughout the day, visit the wakelet from the day.

On 8 February 2020, while the rest of the UK was gearing up for the “storm of the century,” a group of information professionals gathered together to learn, share, and network at a NLPN x SLA Europe collaborative, sponsored by CB Resourcing, event space and facilities donated by the University of Manchester Library. The day was structured around a series of talks by new professionals, followed by two longer talks by seasoned professionals, who offered perspective and insight into their specific fields. The day wrapped up with more networking, drinks and biscuits at the nearby Kro Bar.

What is it like to spend the day amongst newly-minted and early career library and information professionals and those who love and support them? Fabulous. After opening with an outstanding and clear Code of Conduct for the event, the first speaker took the floor:

Make Good Trouble  & Job ApplicationsJennifer Bayjoo (@libdiverse)

Diversity in Libraries of the North (DILON) organisation is the brainchild of Academic librarian, Jennifer Bayjoo, who created DILON as “a new network to support library and information workers who identify as BME/POC/non-white.” Bayjoo spoke about starting the organisation, its goals, and how those who do not meet the criteria for membership can get involved to support DILON’s work.

The second half of Bayjoo’s time gave the audience insight into how one’s CV can achieve a better chance of selection amongst the sometimes hundreds of CVs received by a HR department. She encouraged participants to review the job posting closely, and to apply even if one’s experience doesn’t tick every single box. She reminded the audience that the job posting is for the ideal candidate, so it is better to apply with some of the Personal Spec requirements than to wait until you have them all.

Moving SectorsHarriet Notman

Harriet Notman spent the first part of her career working in higher education and arts institutions, and has recently transitioned to publishing. She offered suggestions for when and how to apply previous information experience from one sector to another during the job search and application process. Notman identified several promising job boards that list positions that might hold appeal for Special Librarians: Arts Council JobsCharity JobsArts JobsJISC Careers, to name a few.

RDM CollaborationJacqueline Vigilanti

Vigilanti has been working as a Research Support Librarian, at Manchester Metropolitan University and shared her experience of collaboration amongst departments using RDM when working with active project data. Her experience working on this project reminded her that her library does its best work when it focuses on building trust, supporting and keeping the user central, and collaborating by thinking outside the library.

Welcome to Your Zine CollectionIngrid Francis

An NHS Librarian by day, and Zine Librarian by all day every day, Ingrid is a knowledgeable and passionate zine advocate and promoter. In their talk, they raised concerns around zine curation, the impact of the curator, and suggestions around transparency related to curator identification, not only in the zine world but in every curated environment.

The Good SearchNatasha Howard

An NHS library manager of many years, Natasha Howard led the group through a mini-workshop, exploring effective search techniques using the NHS and NELFT systems. Participants explored a variety of different health and wellness sites and resources, evaluating their user-friendliness and search capabilities.

Management. Not ScaryDr. Katherine Schopflin

Rounding out the day was Dr. Schopflin’s talk on everyone’s favorite topic, people management. Her steady optimism and joy around the subject made the prospect of people management seem not so horrifying as we all imagine it to be. Simply stated, be aware of the needs of your people, and provide it.


Thanks Megan for sharing your write up of the day! Thank you to our sponsors, CB Resourcing and University of Manchester (for the room), and all who joined us, either in person or virtually, for NLPNVBY. 

2 comments on “NLPN x SLA Europe: A write up by Megan Price

  1. Pingback: Exiting the Library – Rookie (almost) Librarian

  2. Pingback: Interview: Ingrid Francis, Enquiry Services Librarian at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust | NLPN

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